About Journal

About Journal   

The Journal of New Medicine (ISSN 0253-9802, CN 44-1211/R, Postal Code 46-33), founded in 1969, is a comprehensive medical and health monthly journal supervised by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, sponsored by Sun Yat-sen University, and managed by the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University.


To increase the transparency of the publishing process, establish a high-quality academic communication platform for medical professionals in China, and promote clinical practice in medicine.


· Monthly publication, in Chinese.  

· Peer-reviewed (double-blind), open access.  

· At the forefront of medicine, intelligent medicine, and interdisciplinary integration,

and with a aim of closely linking basic research with clinical medicine, the journal reports on new theories, knowledge, and diagnostic and treatment techniques across various clinical medical disciplines.  

· The journal's English abstracts are reviewed and revised by a professional translation company, with a dedicated statistical editor assigned. Additionally, the processing of images within the journal is enhanced.

· Sections include Guidelines & Consensus, Expert Forums, Frontier Exploration, Research Articles, and Reviews.  

· Submissions come from across the country and overseas authors. In recent years, the journal has published articles and reports covering multiple key topics from various special issues (e.g., depression-related diseases, breast cancer, artificial intelligence, pediatric diseases and health management, allergic disease diagnosis and treatment, neurodevelopmental disorders, and neurodiversity). These topics involve the latest advances in medicine, popular discussions in specific specialties, and the prevention and treatment of major diseases. Several articles are authored by internationally and domestically renowned experts, basically reflecting top-tier research in these fields.  


The Journal of New Medicine was awarded the second prize in the 2nd the Award of National Excellent S & T Periodicals in 1997. It also received the first prize in the 2nd and 3rd Awards of Guangdong Provincial Excellent S & T Journals in 1997 and 2001, respectively. In 2001, it was included in the "Double Hundred Journals" of the China Journal Matrix, organized by the National Press and Publication Administration. The journal was also included in the Chinese Core Journals in 2004 and the "Top 100 Key Journals" in the evaluation of the 3nd National Periodicals Award in 2005, organized by the National Press and Publication Administration. In 2010, it received the "Nomination Award for the Fourth Guangdong Provincial Outstanding Periodicals". In 2024, it was awarded the "Guangdong Provincial Excellent S & T Journal". It was awarded the honorary title of a "Guangdong Provincial Excellent S & T Journal" in 2015, 2017, 2021, and 2024, respectively. In 2020, it was recognized as an "Excellent S & T Journal of Chinese Universities". In 2022 and 2024, it was included in the "Demonstration Case Database of Excellent S & T Journals of Chinese Universities", recognized as an Excellent S & T Periodical. In 2023, it was approved for the "Guangdong Provincial High-Level S & T Journal Development Project" with a funding of RMB 1 million.  

Database Indexing  

The Journal of New Medicine is indexed in several prestigious databases, such as China Science and Technology Core Journals (Statistical Source Journals of Chinese Scientific and Technological Papers), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Database of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Chemical Abstracts (CA), EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete, ICI World of Journals, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (UlrichWeb),  Wanfang Data - Digital Journal Group, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) Series, Chinese Medical Current Contents (CMCC), etc. Currently, it is recognized as China Applied Core Journal (CACJ) and Core Journals in Chinese Medicine (CJCM).

Contact Information  

Editorial Office: Room 1219, West Tower, Tianyu Plaza, 621 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (510630)  

Phone: 020-85253362, 85253470  

Website: www.xinyixue.cn (Online submission function available)   

Pubdate: 2013-08-20    Viewed: 48601